The official site for the British Community Committee of France


Association Franco-Ecossaise

The AFE was born in 1896 a few months after its sister, the Franco-Scottish Society,was founded in Edinburgh. Its aims are to promote good relations between Scotland and France by the exchange of goodwill visits, by making Scotland better known in France through regular lectures and meetings in the old Scots College in Paris and by encouraging research on Scotland in French universities.

President - Thierry Rechniewski, Tel: 07 81 58 33 39 / 01 46 24 79 19
Treasurer - Julien Valée (French-speaking), Tel: 01 39 73 89 91


The Caledonian Society of France

Founded in 1922, the Caledonian Society of France centres its annual activities on St Andrew’s Night in late November/early December, and Burns’ Day, around 25 January, the poet’s birthday. The Society also organises quiz nights, film shows, whisky tastings, excursions and visits to places of cultural interest in and around Paris.

Anyone, whether Scots-born or not but with an interest in Scotland and its culture and traditions, may apply for membership.


The Clan MacLeod Society of France

The French Clan MacLeod Society, founded in 1981, is to foster research into the role played by the MacLeods in France, where they have been present and active for over 500 years, to conserve and make available family records, to distribute the magazine issued by the worldwide ACMS with a French supplement, and to encourage social activities amongst members.

Membership is open to all, whether called MacLeod, descended from MacLeods, attached to the Clan or simply interested in joining.

President - Alain MacLeod
18 rue du Parc de Clagny, 78000 Versailles
01 78 52 72 68

Website - :

Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Lyon Branch

RSCDS Lyon Branch offers classes in Scottish Dancing, a very active worldwide community. We are mainly involved in Scottish Country Dancing, with occasional classes in Highland dancing. We have a weekly class on Friday nights, with 3 levels (beginners, intermediate, advanced); we also organise ceilidhs, day classes and weekend schools, with live musicians whenever possible. We accept beginners all year round, so come and join us ! "Fun, fitness and friendship" (the RSCDS’s motto) guaranteed.

Contact: Laure Gardelle, Tel: 06 56 79 66 38,


The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, Paris Branch

The Paris Branch of the Society was created in 1984 in order to promote Scottish Country Dancing and to offer the opportunity to learn and practise Scottish Country Dances in France. The Branch organises classes, half-day schools for beginners, intermediate or advanced dancers. There is a dance every Monday night from 8 to 10 pm, and occasionally a ball on Saturday night Everybody is warmly welcome.

Contact: Marcus Moore, Tel: 06 71 08 50 02


The Scots Kirk, Paris (Church of Scotland - Presbyterian)

The Scots Kirk is an international church situated close to the Champs Elysées which offers worship and fellowship in English in the Reformed tradition. Each Sunday, morning worship is held at 11 am and Holy Communion is celebrated monthly. After the service, there is an opportunity to get to know others over tea/coffee and periodic pot-luck lunches. Numerous associations and support groups meet on our premises during the week.

Address: 17 rue Bayard, 75008 Paris, Métro FD Roosevelt or Champs-Elysées Clémenceau

Tel: 01 48 78 47 94


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