The official site for the British Community Committee of France

Churches & Religion

All Saints Vendée

All Saints Vendée is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Europe, and we welcome all denominations to our services which are held at 11.00 every Sunday. There are a number of House Groups and other activities. Details of these and recent news can be found on our website, and the times and venues for services can be seen there and also on the BCC website.

Our website:

Anglican Chaplaincy in Caen - St Mary's Church

We are a chaplaincy of the Church of England serving residents and holidaymakers in Normandy. All are welcome to Eucharist services and the occasional Morning Prayer in English at 11.30 am every Sunday at the Chapelle de la Miséricorde, rue Elie de Beaumont, Caen, with fellowship over tea or coffee after the service and often a light meal at a local restaurant. We are under the aegis of St. George's Anglican Church in Paris.

Churchwarden Marian Clarke Tel: 06 22 68 22 86


The Anglican Chaplaincy of Aquitaine

Part of the worldwide Anglican Communion and in the Diocese in Europe, we minister to the spiritual needs of English-speaking people in the Gironde, Dordogne, and Lot et Garonne and part of the Gers. 

We are home to Christians from all denominations and nationalities, and welcome those who are exploring questions of faith, or looking for companionship or support. Our church communities meet for services held in several locations throughout the region, including baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Chaplain: Vacancy, Tel: 06 72 31 72 87 

Website - Facebook

Anglican Church in the Pas-de-Calais

Services are held on the first and third Sundays in the three worship centres (Boulogne, Calais and Hesdin). We are now planning for our future and hoping to have a house for duty Chaplain. All details of our activities are available on our website and everyone is very welcome!

President : David Sergent

Treasurer : Tanya Collins


Chaplaincy of Midi-Pyrenees & Aude

We are a Church of England Chaplaincy in the Diocese in Europe, currently comprising 6 worship centres with diverse congregations in Brens (Tarn), Carcassonne (Aude), Cahors (Lot), Caylus (Tarn et Garonne), Toulouse (Haute Garonne), and Vayrac, (Lot). All offer a community to be part of: worshipping (in English) , studying, helping others and, most importantly are journeying together in the light of Christ. All are welcome!

Contact: Gill Heyworth

For more information please visit:

Website - Facebook

Christ Church, Lille

We’re a friendly international community of people from diverse backgrounds and different ages. Services are held within the Anglican tradition, and we welcome everyone, whatever your age, nationality or religious background. Full details of services, groups and events are on our website; we look forward to seeing you.

Chaplain: The Rev'd Canon Debbie Flach 03 28 52 66 36


Ecumenical Church of Occitanie

ECO is an online English-language Church providing worship for Christians who do not have easy access to an Anglophone Church.  Our services (which are broadcast up to 4 times each week) are inspired by Iona Celtic worship. You are welcome to take part in our online Communion services whether or not you are confirmed. Sunday services are usually followed by a Zoom Virtual Coffee Bar. Our monthly newsletter, ECHO, is downloadable free from our website.

Contact details:

Website - X - Facebook

The English Cathedral Choir of Paris

The Choir is conducted by counter-tenor and composer Christopher Wells, who was a cathedral chorister under the choir's patron Sir David Willcocks.

For more than twenty years the ECC has been promoting English cathedral music throughout France's churches and cathedrals, taking part in religious ceremonies, services, weddings, carols, etc., as well larger orchestral works, festivals, TV and radio broadcasts.

Members include former English cathedral choristers and university choral scholars, but good musicians of all nationalities are welcome.

Odile and Christopher Wells
01 42 72 73 76

Holy Trinity Church Maisons Laffitte

Holy Trinity Church is situated near the Château in Maisons-Laffitte. We're a multi-generational, English-speaking, international community who worship within the Anglican tradition, but open to every age, nationality and religious background. In addition to weekly Sunday services at 9.15am and 11am with children’s and youth groups, we host family-friendly events for the wider community throughout the year. There are also midweek meetings for Scouts, USA Girl Scouts, Parents & Toddlers and Trinity English School.

15 avenue Carnot, 78600 Maisons-Laffitte, Tel: 01 39 62 34 97,

Chaplain The Revd Charlotte Sullivan

Website - Instagram - Facebook

The Scots Kirk, Paris (Church of Scotland - Presbyterian)

The Scots Kirk is an international church situated close to the Champs Elysées which offers worship and fellowship in English in the Reformed tradition. Each Sunday, morning worship is held at 11 am and Holy Communion is celebrated monthly. After the service, there is an opportunity to get to know others over tea/coffee and periodic pot-luck lunches. Numerous associations and support groups meet on our premises during the week.

Address: 17 rue Bayard, 75008 Paris, Métro FD Roosevelt or Champs-Elysées Clémenceau

Tel: 01 48 78 47 94


Website - X - Facebook

St. George's Anglican Church, Paris

St. George’s Anglican Church is a welcoming international community, part of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe. Sunday services: 8.30 am Holy Communion (1662); 10.30 am Sung Eucharist with sermon, choir, servers and traditional ceremonial, Crèche and Sunday School. Mainly in English, with a reading and sometimes intercessions in French. Cheese and wine, or coffee afterwards, and regular lunches.

For a timetable of Daily Prayer and the Eucharist, please check our website.

7 rue Auguste-Vacquerie, 75116 Paris (between Avenue d’Iéna and Avenue Marceau via rue Newton) Métros Etoile, Kléber or George V

Chaplain The Revd Mark Osborne

Associate Priest The Revd Jeffrey John :

Secretary Anne Fothergill Tel: 01 47 20 22 51

Facebook St Georges Church Paris

St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Paris

This church was founded in 1863 to minister to the needs of English-speaking Catholics of Paris and suburbs, coming from over 40 different countries. It is staffed by priests of the Congregation of the Passion. Masses:

-   Saturday: 11 am and 6.30 pm (Vigil)

-   Sunday: 9:30 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm and 6.30 pm

-   Monday to Friday: 8.30 am

50 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris (Metro Charles de Gaulle Etoile) Tel: 01 42 27 28 56

Superior: Fr Martin Coffey CP



St Luke's Church Fontainebleau

We gather in the Chapel of Lycée St Aspais (18 boulevard Maginot, 77300 Fontainebleau) for Sunday services at 10:30. We share in refreshments after the service. Sunday School and various Bible study groups are available. Our charitable arm, Les Amis, hosts social and cultural events throughout the year.

Please check our website for details and more information about St Luke’s. Do come join us!

Chaplain The Rev'd Dr Donald McFayden

Churchwardens Leigh Montillot Tel: 06 26 49 13 75 and Patrick Raharijaona Tel: 07 67 19 93 60

Contact email:

Website - Facebook

St Mark's Church Versailles

Services are held every Sunday as follows:

-  9.00 am: Holy Communion in the Old Chapel, 31 rue du Pont Colbert, Versailles (on the first Sunday of the month only)

-  10.30 am: Morning Service (Morning Prayer, All-age Worship or Holy Communion) including Sunday School at the church centre

-  5.30 pm: Evening Service (Evening Prayer or Holy Communion) at l’Eglise St. Paul, Chevry, Gif-sur-Yvette (special arrangements during July and August, email us for details).

31 rue du Pont Colbert, 78000 Versailles Tel. 01 39 02 79 45


St. Michael's Anglican Church, Paris

Saint Michael’s is an international English-speaking church for people of all ages and stages of the spiritual journey. We are a family, a ‘home away from home’, and we encourage people to be involved and to make friends. Sunday Services:

     9.30 am            Traditional Anglican Service

     10.45 am           Informal Service, with children’s activities

     6:00 pm            A contemporary service

Service times may change during the year, so please check our website for updates.

5 rue d’Aguesseau, 75008 Paris (Métros Concorde, Madeleine, Miromesnil)

Chaplain The Revd Jay Colwill


St. Peter's Anglican Church, Chantilly

St Peter's is an English-speaking, Anglican evangelical church for all ages and nationalities. We'd be happy to welcome you if you're a convinced Christian, curious about life's big questions, or anywhere in between. We also host various events and enjoy good links with our local community. Our Sunday Services are:

      9.00 am          Traditional Holy Communion (BCP) (1st and 3rd Sunday of the month)

      10.30 am          Informal service (with children's ministry)

Please check our social media or website for any changes.

7a avenue du Bouteiller (corner of Rue des Cascades), 60500 Chantilly, Tel: 09 82 45 83 40

Chaplain The Revd Sarah Tillett or

Website - Facebook

Trinity Church Lyon (Lyon Anglican Church)

We are an oasis for English-speakers in Lyon who want to discover and deepen their Christian Faith. We offer a spiritual home to displaced people from around the world, needing logistical and practical help. In order to fulfil our calling, we serve in partnership with local churches and actively seek overseas mission support. 

We meet every Sunday at 10.30, in an informal and family-friendly atmosphere. More info on:

50 rue Bancel, 69007 Lyon