The official site for the British Community Committee of France


The Royal Air Forces Association, Ile-de-France Branch

RAFA Île-de-France was created on merging RAFA Paris and RAFA Saint-Germain-en-Laye (founded in 1946 and 1956 respectively). Members included French veterans who responded to the 18 June 1940 call of Charles de Gaulle, by escaping to England and joining the Free French Forces in the RAF, the Royal Navy and British Army. Sadly, many have now passed on and it is our duty to keep their memory alive.

Ile-de-France Chairman: Wing Cdr Graham August RAF (Rtd), Tel: 09 54 75 23 42

The Royal Air Forces Association, Lyon “Jubilee” Branch

We care for the welfare of the RAF family, serving or retired, and for their dependents; also for members who are ex-Free French aviators. Lyon Jubilee Branch covers an extensive area encompassing most of eastern France and we are proud to be present with our Standard Bearer, together with the RBL Lyon Liberation Branch and other military associations, at many memorial events in our area commemorating the human sacrifice of RAF, Commonwealth and Allied Airmen.

President Sean Brady,

Chairman Brian J Millar MRAeS,

Branch Secretary Shirley Faust,

Branch Treasurer Leslie Blankley FRAeS,

Welfare Support Officer Anne Daynes,

The Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA), Sud-Ouest France

RAF Association Sud-Ouest France (Loire to Spanish border). Membership comprises RAF veterans of many nationalities and those with an interest in all things aeronautical.

We meet regularly all over our region. Our support team of trained welfare officers takes active care of veterans and their dependents. We attend ceremonial commemorations remembering those RAF personnel who gave their lives in SW France. We are the charity that supports the RAF family.

Chair Squadron Leader Beryl Dennett Stannard RAF (Retd), Tel: 06 89 90 55 82

Secretary Squadron Leader Terry Dennett RAF (Retd), Tel: 05 46 95 38 89

RAFA Sud-Ouest website

The Royal British Legion – Bordeaux & S.W. France Branch

It is thought that the branch existed before WWII but traces its current existence to 22nd November 1946. We cover Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and area larger than Scotland and have 4 priorities. Welfare support for the Military, Veterans and their Families. Liaison with other Military Charities in France. Raising funds for the Annual Poppy Appeal. Remembrance and Ceremonial duties in the area. Regular updates are posted on our Facebook Page.

Honorary President: Dominique Olley

Chairman: Duncan Andrews

Secretary: Philip Morrison  

Treasurer:  Paul Phillips MBE

Website - Facebook

The Royal British Legion, Lyon Liberation Branch

The Lyon Liberation Branch covers Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne Franche-Comté. s with the RBL world-wide, we help serving and ex-service personnel and their families, and we raise funds through the Poppy Appeal. We are present with our Standard at many remembrance events, across the two regions, during the year : these vary from a memorial in a small commune in a rural area to a major commemoration such as the Liberation of Lyon.

Chairman: Garth Drury -

Vice-Chairman: Brian Rosen

Secretary: Mary Vince - LyonLiberation.Secretary@RBL.Community

The Royal British Legion, Paris Branch

The Paris Branch, founded in 1921, can provide financial assistance for ex-servicemen and women and their dependents in the Ile-de-France Region, this being funded by the Poppy Appeal.

Ceremonies are organised at the Arc de Triomphe on 4th August and in the Cathedral of St. Louis, Les Invalides on 11th November since the devastating fire at Notre-Dame.

Membership is open to ex-Service and serving Service personnel, and to all who abide by the aims of the Legion. The Clubhouse premises may be available for use by Associations or for private events for a donation to the Royal British Legion.

28 rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris Tel. 01 47 42 19 26

Branch Chairman: Richard Neave,

Branch Vice-Chairman: Pierre Quenot

Secretary: Janet Warby, Tel: 01 39 28 90 28,

House Manager: Elaine Taylor, Tel: 06 03 36 09 87,


In addition to the Paris branch, there are the following RBL branches in France :

Bordeaux & SW France *: see separate listing

Nord-Pas de Calais: Hon. Secretary - Jennie Knight,

Lyon: see separate listing

Somme: Hon. Secretary - Anita Platt,

Central Brittany: Secretary - Kevin Ball,

* This branch covers the whole of Nouvelle Aquitaine and is happy to help with Poppies, Wreaths and assistance anywhere in France not covered by another branch.

Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Association (Paris Branch)

Founded in Paris in 1950, the Association has some 25 members. Membership is open to all who have served in or with the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, WRNS and QARNNS or the French Navy. Associate membership is available to those who support the interests and aims of the Association in things naval and maritime. A luncheon is held each month as well as an annual dinner, at which members, guests and their spouses are welcome. The Naval Attaché is the Honorary President.

Michael Hunt
7 rue du Centre, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
01 47 47 17 68

SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity/SSAFA France

SSAFA has provided lifelong support to our Forces and their families since 1885.

Last year our team of volunteers in France helped some 200 people.  Our support covers financial, welfare and administrative needs for veterans and their families in France, also some Merchant Navy and British Airways veterans.

Should you, or someone you know, need help, wish to volunteer for casework, support the lonely, or assist with fund-raising, then please contact 06 83 85 39 09 or

Chairman: Keith Cima, Tel: 05 53 24 92 38,

Secretary: Mrs Lesley Blake,
